When One's Own Body Becomes An Object, To Be Abused

"There is no cry of pain without,
at its end,
an echo of joy"
- Spanish realist poet and philosopher, Ramon de Campoamor
A young, adult male - perfectionist to the core - boxes his own jaw hard and sound, several times, on both the left and the right, when he thinks nobody is looking at him. The harder the better. One more time. Yet one other time. There. Serves you right. You have not been able to make it this time too. You failed to scale your own bar of standards. The throbbing pain on both the sides of the mandible sends shoots of pain in the head, triggering another round of ringing in the ears. Perhaps the onset of tinnitus. You will be alright soon, the pain will numb and ebb away after some time. You will feel better after this bout of self-punishment.
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